Blogging while working full-time

I wish I could tell you that I am living off my blog, going on press trips around the world and getting a free handbag ever 6 weeks. The reality is far from this. I do work a full-time job in central London. I commute each day for a little less than two hours, and so far I have made just short of three dollars with my blog. I guess you have to start somewhere, right?

So how do I manage to be in an office from 9 to 5, commute for 2 hours and yet still write three blog posts a week and sometimes even produce and edit videos?

I listed below a few tips I have learned over the past 18 months of blogging.

Claire Imaginarium travel blog

Always think content

Pay more attention to the ‘everyday little wonders’. You went to a great local Italian restaurant? Boom, content! You bought that new face wash that changed your skin? Content again!

No need for fancy trips to the Seychelles, all you need is to be a little more aware of your surroundings and what you use/do/like that could easily be turned into a 500-words post and 2 pictures.

Have an editorial schedule

This is a great time saver for me, I have an editorial schedule for the next 3 months. Of course, it can change at the last minute, but having those blog post ideas lined up means that you won’t have a panic attack not knowing what to write 2 hours before your publishing time.

I also make sure that my schedule is in sync with the season and trends, for instance, I shared my guide to the Greek islands when it was peak season there knowing that tourists would be googling for addresses and recommendations.

Dedicate time

Working from 9 to 5, then going home and spending another 3 hours on your computer can be pretty daunting. I, therefore, identified time slots I always dedicate to the blog. The structure helps me feel less overwhelmed.

I spend about 3 hours every Sunday morning on the blog, most of my lunch breaks and a few hours a couple of evenings each week. All in all, it adds up to 10 hours which is enough to write content and take pictures. Once a month, when I am editing a video, I sacrifice either a couple of evenings or a full Saturday or Sunday.

Schedule in advance

The scheduling functionality is my best friend on WordPress! I schedule most posts in advance, sometimes days ahead, sometimes only a few hours ahead. This is a game changer when you work full-time, so you know that your content is going live even if you are stuck in a meeting. All you then have to worry about is to Instagram, Tweet, Pin, and share your content on social media which will take you about 10 minutes.

Get a mentor

Last but not least! Get a blog mentor! Someone who has been there and done it! I find it very helpful through a dry spell to chat with someone who knows how it feels. It is also the best way to improve your blogger skills, for instance, I had never heard about Domain Authority until Alex Better Together took the time to explain it to me!

Here you go guys, my few tips to help you juggle work and well… (more fun) work!

Claire Imaginarium interior blog

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